In the Whakaari room we provide learning experiences that are meaningful and beneficial for the tamariki.
Teachers in the Whakaari room create an environment where tamariki can express themselves though art, dancing, collage, sensory play, and building.
In the Whakaari room our environment is safe and secure where children can engage in meaningful learning experiences created from the children’s interest.
The children have been making many wonderful creations from their hand prints which have extended into a whole new room of creativity and colour.
Our mat times have all our children, singing, dancing and practising their initials and lately even some of our tamariki will become the teacher which certainly shows a competent and confident learner.
As teachers our role is to nurture children and advocate for them. This is something that we are very passionate about in the Whakaari room. Children and their families will always be included in our day to day routines and running of the Whakaari room.
Whakaari Room Routine:
This room is open from 7.30-5.30 each day
Within this room there is a busy feel to it yet areas for quiet solitary time; activity tables are continually set up as are restful book corners
There is an indoor outdoor flow to meet the needs and requirements of all the tamariki with ample outdoor space
Teachers follow the interests of each child and build on a love of learning
Teachers know each child well which develops a lasting trust and friendship
Meal times are a social time for all as well as a time for food behaviour and education
Children from this room enjoy waiata, roleplay, art, imaginary play, gardening, sports, storytime, swimming and so much more on a daily basis